Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rumor has it...

Before I get into detail, I just want to say that you shouldn't believe everything you hear. When asking for advice about your game, make sure the advice given is accurate before you make any adjustments. I was reading through the complaints on Zynga's website when I came across one in particular that really bugged me. Someone was having trouble with their game and was told by someone else that they needed to reset their game and it will work again...wrong! Resetting your game will literally reset your progress. All of your content including your level will be deleted and you will have to start over. For someone to tell another person that, they're either cold-hearted (possible) or clueless (even more possible). Let's just assume it's the latter of the two. I've read more comments pertaining to pearls and whether or not players should continue to get them. Other players commented back telling them "no"...wrong! If you have every possible hero that you can get with pearls, don't stop, keep working for them. I think Zynga made it obvious that the pearls are still useful when they released the last heroes (Willow and Clover). Besides, filling Liang's orders helps you gain XP as well. So be careful Folks! Not everything you hear is true. Worst case scenario, take it up with Zynga. You might have to wait a little longer for a response but it's better to be safe than sorry!

If you need to contact Zynga, please feel free to do so by clicking/tapping on the link below.


  1. Excellent advice! I can't believe anyone would be so clueless (or mean) as to tell someone else to reset their game. Making that mistake would be enough to make me give up on the game altogether!

    I also wanted to drop by and say hi, because I found your blog via your comment on the Salty Sea Trader's (now defunct) blog. I don't have a blog of my own, but I am putting together a wiki all about Castleville Legends, in the hopes of helping out all our fellow players. It may be found at I hope you find it useful!

    1. That's awesome! You've got a good thing going there. I definitely think it would be beneficial for players. I can't even begin to tell you how many players are looking for the information you're giving. I'd like to advertise it to the players I know so they'll hopefully find some answers. Also, if I can help you in any way, just let me know! Thanks for sharing! :)

    2. Steph, that's wonderful news! I'd love to have you spread the word. If you'd like me to write a guest post for your blog to help out, just let me know. I have lots of ideas :) Also, if you or anyone else has any ideas on how I can improve the wiki, by all means let me is always appreciated because I want to make it the very best resource I can!

    3. Awesome, will do and I'd appreciate that! Any ideas are welcome, Thanks again!
