Monday, June 23, 2014

Quick Spells 101

Let's talk about Quick Spells! They're great, aren't they? You can use them to speed up your resources like oats, milk, wool, lemons, and so on. I think they're a great addition to the game. I know all of you feel the same when it comes to waiting hours for a resource like lemons to finish when you can use quick spells and finish them instantly. Now, we all know the key for quick spells is friends. You need Facebook friends to get them, which is fine because there are tons of people who play this. The more, the merrier, right? Okay so I've seen screenshots floating around that look like this...

First of all, WHOA! Over 300 Quick Spells? Totally cool! But now I'm curious, how does this happen? Considering the amount of quick spells given shouldn't exceed 10, right? So what's the secret? How are players allowed or able to get more? Any ideas? Feel free to let us know!

For those of you who need more information about quick spells, check out the link below:


  1. They've been able to exceed 10 for months now. To get numbers that high you either don't use them or you go to a few different alliances and send out spells in each then once the allies each respond, whether you're still in that alliance or not, you get a quick spell.

    1. So you don't have to be friends on Facebook to receive them as long as your in an alliance?

    2. You definitely don't have to be Facebook friends. I have 44 spells at the moment and I'm not not friends with any of my alliance members and have switched alliances a few times and never had any problems getting or sending spells.

      To clarify from before you don't keep getting extra spells from those other alliances, you just get the spells in response to the ones you sent. So to get more beyond your alliance you'd have to move around to other ones again.

    3. Oh okay, that's good to know. And thanks for the info!

  2. It doesn't appear the you can send all of your quick spell requests out at once any more. But, I find that if you make sure you're under 10 current quick spells; let the ones you're able to send out accumulate and then receive them before it's time to send them out again, then I imagine the sky's the limit.

  3. It's not jumping alliances. There are groups on Facebook where you can add anyone playing. There are people with 300 friends and you can send twice a day. You wait until your below 10 maybe even zero then wait to accept the quick spells. Then when you want accept them and you can beat the limit. But you should get it below 10 again to accept more.
