Saturday, March 8, 2014

Alliance Follow-up - Hooray for The Blissful Ones!

So I did it! I finally left my alliance to create my new one. I have to tell you, it was one of the scariest things I've had to do when it comes to this game. You could say I gained a lot of security from the people I became closest with. Now, I kind of feel lost without them but they'll join eventually when things pick up which brings me to my next thing. I need members! I don't care what level you are, if you're helpful, come right in! That's really all it's about. If you like to chat about the game, well that's a plus too. If you're truly interested in joining my alliance, the name is The Blissful Ones! Hurry and join while you still can because once we hit the 50 mark, you're stuck. Good luck! :)


  1. I applied to your alliance yesterday and have not heard a thing from you. The alliance I am in is a dud! Patiently waiting.

    1. I'm sorry I don't see your request. Can you make sure that it's the right alliance? There are others that are similar so make sure you capitalize letters. The Blissful Ones is the name and I'll be happy to have you join! :)
